Attorneys Ira Bloom and Peter Gelderman spoke to 100 land use planners on June 12, 2015 at a conference of the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association titled “Hot Topics in Land Use Law and Practice”. Mr. Bloom and Mr. Gelderman updated the group on Mackenzie v. Planning & Zoning Commission of Monroe, a important recent Appellate Court case that limited the discretion of commissions to modify or alter regulations. The session occurred at the Mark Twain House in Hartford.
The American Planning Association is the national organization of professional planners and citizens involved in planning for our nation’s communities. CCAPA is dedicated to advancing the practice of good planning in Connecticut by providing members with up-to-date information about current planning issues and techniques, by building public and political awareness of the importance and benefits of good planning and by bringing the Chapter’s diverse membership together from throughout the state to share experiences with colleagues.