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What Does OSHA’s Emergency Standard Mean for Unionized Workplaces?

By: Christopher R. Henderson, Esq.

The NLRB’s General Counsel addressed that question in a recently issued memorandum outlining employers’ obligations with respect to compliance with the ETS. The ETS requires private sector employers with over 100 employees to adopt and implement mandatory vaccine policies for their workforces. The ETS is currently on hold because of a decision from the 5th Circuit Court […]

OSHA Issues COVID-19 Vaccine or Testing Mandate

By: Christopher R. Henderson, Esq.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued its emergency temporary standard (ETS) today requiring private sector employers with over 100 employees adopt and implement mandatory vaccine policies for their workforces. While the ETS totals more than 400 pages, here are the highlights and relevant timeline:  December 5, 2021 – unvaccinated employees must begin wearing […]

Governor’s Emergency Powers Extended

As anticipated, late Monday night, the State legislature extended Governor Lamont’s emergency powers by February 22, 2022. Yesterday, the Governor issued Executive Order No. 14, which extends the deadlines for several previous Orders, including the most recent ones dealing with mandatory vaccines for certain health care workers, state employees, school employees, and those working in […]

Reminder – Connecticut Minimum Wage Is Now $13 Per Hour

By: Rebecca Goldberg

Reminder – Connecticut employers must begin paying $13 per hour to their employees, effective August 1, 2021.  For hotel and restaurant employees who normally receive sufficient gratuities, the employer must pay at least $6.38 per hour ($8.23 for bartenders) under the new minimum wage, but the employee must still make at least $13 per hour […]

Janus v. AFSCME

By: Christopher R. Henderson, Esq.

A new Connecticut law aims to address the impacts of the 2018 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, that applies to public sector employers. In Janus, the Court held that public sector unions cannot require employees, as a condition of an employment, to pay union dues or agency fees because doing so […]

Client Advisory Regarding Juneteenth Holiday

By: Rebecca Goldberg

On June 16, 2021, President Biden signed legislation recognizing Juneteenth as a federal public holiday.  This advisory explains what Connecticut employers need to know about Juneteenth and its observance. What is Juneteenth? Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States.  On June 19, 1865, enslaved people in Galveston, Texas received word that they […]

New Wage Law for Employers

A new law creates affirmative obligations for Connecticut employers to disclose wage ranges for positions to applicants and employees. The law goes into effect October 1, 2021 and applies to public and private employers in Connecticut, regardless of size. Under the new law, an employer must provide an applicant for employment the “wage range” for the […]

DOL Issues Guidance on COBRA Subsidy Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

As discussed in our previous article, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) has presented a number of new administrative and operational challenges to employers.  As was the case with the FFCRA, the Department of Labor (DOL) has released guidance to help answer some of the questions and provide clarification in the form of COBRA-related […]

What Employers Need to Know About the American Rescue Plan Act

There is a lot for employers to unpack in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which was signed into law on March 11, 2021.  Here are some of the key provisions: Voluntary Paid Sick and Family Leave With regard to paid leave, the ARPA provides incentives for employers to voluntarily continue paid leave under the […]

CHRO Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Deadline Moved Yet Again

Employers who missed the February 9, 2021 deadline for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training have been given a reprieve by the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.  The agency issued a blanket extension of the training deadline until April 19, 2021. Berchem Moses PC offers virtual training options to meet your organization’s needs and can […]