Jonathan D. Berchem was recently selected to become a James W. Cooper Fellow of the Connecticut Bar Foundation, a collection of the State’s most outstanding lawyers, judges and teachers who devote their time and talent to sponsoring programs that address matters concerning the legal profession, the administration of justice, and the rule of law in society.
The Fellows Program is named in honor of James W. Cooper who was a prominent New Haven attorney and served as President of the Connecticut Bar Foundation, the Connecticut Bar Association, and was a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. In 1982, Attorney Cooper was the recipient of the Charles J. Parker Award for distinguished contributions to legal services for the poor. The Fellows have several ongoing projects including the History of Connecticut Women in the Legal Profession, a Truancy Intervention Project in New Britain schools, a mentoring project through Hartford Promise, and various other symposiums. Another project, the Connecticut Innocence Fund, continues to make bridge loans to exonerees.
Jonathan Berchem, a Senior Partner at the statewide law firm of Berchem Moses PC, practices in the areas of municipal law and general civil litigation, including insurance defense, construction litigation and employment law. In November of 2011, Attorney Berchem was appointed as Milford City Attorney. He had previously served the City of Milford as a Fire Commissioner from 2008 to 2011.
Jonathan Berchem is a member of the Milford, New Haven County and Connecticut Bar Associations, as well as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America. He has worked tirelessly for the advancement of the legal profession; for more than twenty years Attorney Berchem has volunteered as a Connecticut Bar exam grader and also serves as a member of the Grievance Panel for Fairfield County.
Jonathan Berchem is deeply committed to the welfare of his community, state and nation. He formerly chaired the Board of Directors of the United Way of Milford, Inc. for two years and was a member for over 15 years. He is presently a member of the Board of Directors of Milford Rape Crisis. Attorney Berchem has previously served on the Board of Directors of the Cardinal Shehan Center in Bridgeport and the Board of Managers of the Woodruff Family YMCA. On October 25, 2017, Jonathan Berchem was honored by Connecticut Yankee Council Boy Scouts of America with 2017 Milford/Orange Good Scout Award for his contributions to the betterment of the quality of life in Milford through his community involvement.